Laser Vision Correction

Frequently asked Questions

I don’t like glasses…… Doctor what can you for me? What options do I have?

There are many patients who don’t like to wear glasses, because they want to have better personality or wish to engage in some sports activities for such patients options include contact lens, laser vision correction and ICL (Implantable Collamer lens)

Which technology would be right for me?

Certain specialized tests such as corneal topography and pachymetry will give the ophthalmologist the idea if the patient is suitable for vision laser correction or not. These tests also guide ophthalmologist to choose the right procedure for you

If patients are using contact lens, they must stop the use of contact lens 1 week prior to the tests or treatment.

What is laser vision correction?

Laser technology such as Lasik, Femto Lasik, Contoura, SMILE, PRK, surface ablation etc. work on the front layer of the eye called cornea. The idea is to remove thin layer of cornea to achieve the desired effect of vision correction.

What would be cost for treatment?

Depending on the procedure/ treatment cost would be in the range of Rs.50,000 – 1,50,000/-

What to expect about post-operative recovery?

To start with patient experiences watering and pricing sensations that may last up to 48 hours. Vision starts to improve gradually and in 48 hours one achieves a fairly good vision and sharpness then continues to improve in 6-8 weeks. It is very common to feel that one eye is better than the other and there is nothing to worry about it.

Do I need to be fasting before coming laser?

No. You can have sufficient food 1 hour prior to coming to the hospital for treatment

What are the post-operative precautions?
  • Dark glasses or goggles for 1 week
  • Below the shoulder bath for 1 week
  • Do not rub or squeeze the eye
  • Do not sleep sideways or on your stomach
  • Use the drops as per prescription
  • No eye makeup for 3 months
  • No swimming for 3 months
  • Do not drive vehicle for 2 weeks
  • Gradually start using the smartphones and computer after 1 week
Will my numbers be corrected completely?

The aim of the treatment is to reduce dependency on glasses which is possible in majority of the patients, in few cases under correction or over correction may happen, for which either a retreatment is carried out or glasses or contact lens may be given.

After 40 years of age it is normal to require reading glasses

Will I achieve 6/6 vision?

Statistically in our experience about 90-95% of patients achieve 6/6 vision.

Are there any side effects to the treatment?

There is no surgery/treatment that doesn’t have side effects. The side effects include

  • Glares or haloes
  • Reduced contrast sensitivity
  • Corneal scarring
  • Dry eye
 Is it possible to go blind after laser treatment?

Thankfully this is an extremely extremely rare possibility, and I am sure due to advanced technology that is being used today, not may ophthalmologist have seen this type of complication.

And therefore, laser vision correction or ICL is considered as one of the safe procedures.

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