NIO has always been a pioneer in bringing the recent most technological advances to ground. We, at NIO, feel that as technology improves, surgical training must embrace and incorporate simulation technology into it. Keeping this in mind and maintaining our tradition, Maharashtra’s first and India’s fifth Virtual Reality Surgical Simulator finds its new home at National Institute of Ophthalmology, Pune. Haag Streit Eyesi Surgical VRmagic is a high-end virtual reality simulator having platform that is equipped with interfaces for both cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. Through the simulator´s OR microscope trainees see the virtual surgical field in stereo and high resolution while operating with lifelike surgical instruments. Training modules range from basic skills training through to surgical procedures and complications management. The highly realistic simulation of interaction with tissue in real-time increases trainees’ surgical experience – without risk for real patients. The trainees, thus, gain confidence and stability before handling real patients. Even experienced clinicians can accumulate surgical experience and refine essential skills through frequent practice and thereby provide high safety profile for patients. We cordially welcome you to contact us and have a visit to the institute if interested.